Prepare the Best for IBPS PO 2021 Exam with Avision Institute

Institute of Banking Personnel Selection or (IBPS) is one of the important banking recruiting body that conducts different exam to assign candidates for post like PO, SO, clerk and others. To introduce a brief overview, IBPS PO 2021 exams are nationally conducted once a year. It is a two tier exam and ends with a final interview selection.

IBPS PO Salary is Rs. 52,630 approximately, which contains different allowances such as DA, HRA, CCA, learning allowances, special allowances and others.

Thus scoring the desirable rank amidst the competition becomes the primary concern for you if you are IBPS PO 2021 exam aspirants. If you do not want to get bothered by the increased statistics of competitors, then start preparing with the banking guide experts. Join Avision Institute and learn from the best to get that seat for IBPS PO position.

All about the IBPS PO eligibility

IBPS PO Eligibility Criteria is the benchmark set that candidates need to cross before appearing in the exam. The foremost eligibility for every candidate is to hold an authorized Indian citizen identity. According to IBPS organization, candidates appearing for IBPS PO exam should have age between 20 years to 30 years. This age limit is accompanied with relaxations in the upper age reserved categories.

The candidates need to hold a graduation degree from recognized university to be eligible for the exam. The bachelor’s degree should hold a minimum aggregate of 50% to appear for the exam.

With that educational qualification, the candidates need to be eligible in computer and language proficiency.

Details of the exam pattern

 To significantly highlight the IBPS PO 2021 Exam Pattern, we must let you know that this exam contains a negative marking of 0.25 marks for every incorrect answer. This stands as an important elimination scheme of the exam which as a candidate you need to be highly aware of.

To look in details, the preliminary exam contains total of 100 questions of 100 marks. The time allotted to solve these 100 questions is only 1 hour. Thus the preparation should be at its best in order to avoid elimination in the first round. On successfully passing the phase 1, only then the candidates can appear for the mains exam. The second phase contains around 155 questions of 200 marks to be completed in duration of 3 hours.

Highlights for the IBPS PO syllabus

As a candidate the foremost task is to get completely aware of the standard IBPS PO Syllabus. As the exam pattern elaborates the marking scheme, it becomes easier to plan your study schedule. Knowing the syllabus will highlight you where to concentrate for scoring the best.

IBPS PO Syllabus for Prelims exam concentrates on three main subjects namely Reasoning, Numerical Ability and English language. Questions from each of these sections are around 30-35. Thus for scoring the best in order to get selected for the mains you need to equally focus on three of the sections.

We at Avision provide you concept-based learning classes on each of these sections. Our offline lectures and online classes designed by our expert teachers render you a comprehensible explanation for each of the chapters to learn the best.

IBPS PO Syllabus for Main has five sections to learn namely, reasoning and computer aptitude, data interpretation, general economy and baking awareness, English language. For language section you are to encounter descriptive questions such as letter writing and essay writing. Thus the mains paper differs from the prelims in terms of objective questions sets.

The personality testing round

IBPS PO 2021 Interview Process is basically the non-written phase that culminates the entire selection process. It tests you general awareness and your personality. Many candidates are often more scoring in the written phase, but lack of interview skill, they fail to final selected. Thus we advise to concentrate of developing good interview skills.

Join Avision and learn with experts how to ace the interview with our live demo interview practice session.However, you can follow these tips to develop slowly with time:

  • Interview tests your general awareness and personality so maintaining positive attitude within you is important. Do not be over confident regarding any issue and neither be under-confident.
  • Make a daily habit of browsing through general studies and current affairs. General awareness section is mostly asked questions apart from personality testing questions.
  • If you encounter failure, do not get dejected. Learn the areas where you need to develop more.

Join Avision Institute to unlock learning opportunities like; mock tests, online learning modules, GK and current affairs magazine and much more. To incorporate the best study guidance in your preparation schedule, join Avision Institute and let the experts guide you.

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