Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) has released the RRB NTPC 2020 admit card. The RRB NTPC is a national level competitive exam. Every year millions of aspirants are applying for this job to get an associate with the Railway exam. Recently, RRB has released the admit card at its official website of Railways. As per the notification, a total of 1.26 crore candidates is applied for the RRB NTPC exam. A total of 35,208 vacancies for the RRB NTPC exam. Get RRB NTPC to admit card download that also discussed below.
The RRB exam will be an online-based CBT exam and the RRB NTPC exam date will be held from 28th December 2020 to March 2021.
Check the steps to download the RRB NTPC admit card as follows:
The RRB NTPC admit will provide the details that include Exam date, Exam center, Timing of exam with certain examination rules and regulations. It is strict instruction given by the board of directors of RRB to follow the new examination guidelines in detail.
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