Important Announcement LIC AAO 2023 Notification

LIC AAO is also known as Life Insurance Corporation of India Assistant Administrative Officer. It is one of the most prestigious government jobs for every aspirant. Every year LIC has releases thousands of recruitment for Assistant Officer. The demand of the LIC exam is huge and therefore the level of competition to crack this exam is also high. The selection procedure of the LIC exam is based on three categories that is Preliminary, Mains, and Interview. In this article, we will provide you the latest study plan and strategies from the Best LIC Coaching in Kolkata and understand how to prepare for the LIC exam from home. Check out the important LIC AAO 2023 notification.

Important Date:

Check out the important date and notification for the post of LIC AAO exam:

LIC AAO Notification13th January 2023
Start and end date to register for SBI Clerk2023 exam15th January2023 – 31st January 2023
Download the Admit Card for SBI Clerk Preliminary 2023February,2023
Date of Preliminary exam17th& 20th February 2023
Date of Prelims ResultFebruary-March, 2023
Date of Mains Exam18th March2023

LIC AAO Exam Preparation Time: An Important Factor:

As the LIC AAO preparation time goes on reducing month after month with every passing day, you need to revisit your LIC AAO preparation strategy and synchronize it with remaining LIC AAO preparation Time. LIC AAO preparation tips by toppers who suggest ‘How to prepare LIC AAO in 3 months’; ‘How to prepare for LIC AAO in 2 months’ and so on, are more relevant as the LIC AAO exam preparation time is short now. Get the LIC AAO exam date 2023 below. The examination date will be announce shortly. Therefore, start your preparation with the best coaching institute now.


The Vacancy details of the LIC AAO 2023are recruitments are as follows:

Current Year462270271122773 333

LIC AAO Exam Pattern

For Preliminary Exam:

SubjectsQuestionsMarksExam Duration
Reasoning35351 Hour
Quantitative Aptitude3535
English Language/Hindi Language3030
Total Questions100100

For Mains Exam:

Name of PaperNumber of QuestionMarksExam Duration
English Language404030 Minutes
Hindi Language404030 Minutes
Quantitative Aptitude404030 Minutes
Reasoning Ability304030 Minutes
General/Financial Awareness404030 Minutes
Total200200150 Minutes

LIC AAO Syllabus:

Check out the syllabus of LIC AAO in details that explain the related topic of LIC AAO Exam:

EnglishQuantitative AptitudeReasoningGeneral Awareness
GrammarMensurationPuzzlesBanking & Financial Awareness
VocabularyTime and WorkSeating ArrangementMonetary Policies
Error SpottingAverage, Ratio, PercentagesDirections and DistanceEconomic Terms
ComprehensionSpeed, Distance and TimeData SufficiencyCurrent Affairs
Passage MakingMixture and AllegationsBlood RelationsFinancial & Economics News
Jumble WordsPermutation and CombinationSyllogismStatic GK
Fill in the BlanksData InterpretationCoding DecodingGovernment Schemes, Agreement & Deals
Sentence FramingProbabilityInequalityBanking terms, rates, processes

LIC AAO Admit Card:

LIC AAO will issue the admit card for preliminary exam approx. 10 days before the date of examination. Whereas, the admit card of LIC AAO mains will be issued within 7 days after the declaration of the LIC AAO 2023 notification.

LIC AAO Result:

The selection procedure of the LIC AAO exam include Preliminary and Mains exam. Hence, to ensure the selection you need to clear the result of both Preliminary and Mains exam. The result of preliminary exam 2023 will be released in between month of February to March (tentative). Whereas, the result of the Mains exam will be released in the month of April (tentative).


With AVISION’S Best LIC AAO coaching in Kolkata brings shortcut tricks and tips for quantitative aptitude, logical reasoning, and verbal ability, one can be sure to ace any competitive level exam easily. LIC AAO preparation needs to be done on a consistent and regular basis to retain the concepts efficiently. We focus on improving the aspirant’s basics first, then delving deeper into the concepts and practicing previous years question papers and LIC AAO sample papers.

Insurance ExamsLIC AAOLIC AAO 2023 NotificationLIC AAO exam date 2023lic aao notification

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