IBPS PO Exam Preparation Tips - Get 60 Days Study Plan

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IBPS PO Preparation 2025: 60 Days Study Plan

IBPS PO job comes with attractive salary and perks,along with job security. Hence the exam is extremely competitive. Over the past three years the level and pattern of the exam has been upgraded. We are going to discuss a 60 day preparation plan for IBPS PO exam for the aspirants so that they can keep up their preparation with the versatile syllabus.

1. Know IBPS PO Exam Pattern

a)    From 2025 sectional timing has been introduced in the exam pattern of the IBPS PO exam. This means the amount of time which should be devoted to each section has been prescribed officially by IBPS. We have provided the same below. The other important thing to remember is that the marks of the prelims of IBPS exam are not counted for the merit list. It is of qualifying nature only just like the SBI PO: only those aspirants who pass the prelims will be eligible to sit for the mains. The marks of the mains and the interview are taken into account to prepare the final merit list.  



Name of test

Number of Questions

Maximum Marks


English Language



20 Minutes



Quantitative Aptitude



20 Minutes

Reasoning Ability



20 Minutes




60 Minutes

b)    Aspirants are advised not to start their preparation from any random topic. It is important for them to have a detailed idea of the vital topics which are part of the syllabus. They should also know the exam pattern and detailed syllabus. The pattern is expected to be the same as it has been, but if there are any changes, the aspirants will be updated on the same.

2. IBPS PO Exam’s Previous Year Analysis

Aspirants should go through the previous year analysis to know from which topics questions were asked, how they should be solved, what is the importance of each topic in the exam, how to manage the sectional timing in the exam.

3. IBPS PO Previous Year Cut Off

 It is important that aspirants know the previous years cut-off trends, both the sectional and overall. This will help them to aim for the marks which they need to score, know the number of safe attempts from each portion and plan their preparation accordingly. This is vital in their preparation because there is a negative marking of ¼ ; meaning a deduction of ¼ from the total marks for each wrong response. 

60 Day Master Plan for IBPS PO 2025 Exam

After going through everything, aspirants should plan their preparation and studies in a routine. Because it is easy to study when the syllabus is framed according to days. We will provide a 60 day preparation plan.


Quantitative Aptitude

English Language

Reasoning Ability

General Awareness

Daily Practice

Day 1-10


  • Tables, Square, and Cubes up to 30
  • Square roots & Cube Roots Finding Short Tricks
  • HCF & LCM
  • Shortcuts of finding Square and cube, addition, multiplication, division, and subtraction of numbers
  • Grammar rules:
  • Subject-Verb Agreement
  • Tenses
  • Prepositions
  • Conjunctions
  • Conditional Sentences
  • Articles
  • Exercises on these topics


Attempt IBPS PO Prelims Mock test 1

Attempt IBPS PO Prelims Mock test 2

Attempt IBPS PO Prelims Mock test 3

Attempt IBPS PO Main Mock test 1

Day 11-20

Read Daily Vocab from here

  • Inequality (Both Direct and Coded)
  • Syllogism (Reverse also)
    Order and Ranking

Attempt IBPS PO Prelims Mock test 4

Attempt IBPS PO Prelims Mock test 5

Attempt IBPS PO Prelims Mock test 6

Attempt IBPS PO Main Mock test 2

Day 21-30

  • New Topics :

    • Match the columns
    • Sentence Starter
    • Sentence Formation
  • Idioms & Phrases
  • Phrasal Verbs/Phrasal Errors
  • Phrase Replacement

Read Daily Vocab from here

  • Puzzles (Floor/Box Puzzle, Tabular puzzle )
  • Seating Arrangement (Linear seating arrangement, circular seating arrangement, Square Seating Arrangement)

Attempt IBPS PO Prelims Mock test 7

Attempt IBPS PO Prelims Mock test 8

Attempt IBPS PO Prelims Mock test 9

Attempt IBPS PO Main Mock test 3

Day 31-40

  • Tabular Chart DI
  • Line Graph DI
  • Bar Graph DI
  • Pie Chart DI
  • Data Sufficiency
  • Boats & Streams
  • Sentence Correction
  • Error Spotting
  • Sentence Improvement
  • Odd one out (Theme based questions)
  • New pattern Error spotting

Read Daily Vocab from here


Attempt IBPS PO Prelims Mock test 10

Attempt IBPS PO Prelims Mock test 11

Attempt IBPS PO Prelims Mock test 12

Attempt IBPS PO Main Mock test 4

Day 41-50

Data Interpretation

Read Daily Vocab from here

Attempt IBPS PO Prelims Mock test 13

Attempt IBPS PO Prelims Mock test 14

Attempt IBPS PO Prelims Mock test 15

Attempt IBPS PO Main Mock test 5

Day 51-60

  • Reading Comprehension
  • Para jumble
  • Sentence Rearrangement
  • Word Usage (find the incorrect usage of the word)
  • Word usage (One common Word fill in the four sentences)
  • Revision of the topics of your choice
  • Practice

Read Daily Vocab from here

Attempt IBPS PO Prelims Mock test 16

Attempt IBPS PO Prelims Mock test 17

Attempt IBPS PO Prelims Mock test 18

Attempt IBPS PO Prelims Mock test 19

Attempt IBPS PO Prelims Mock test 20

How AVISION'S Exam Prep can help you up in your Preparation?

We have designed the IBPS PRO 2025 the most comprehensive live course to help the aspirants in their preparation for the IBPS exam. The following are offered in the course:

a.     30 Full-Length Mock Tests & 10 Sectional Tests

b.    100+ Interactive Live Classes for complete conceptual clarity

c.     6000+ Practice Questions covering all levels of difficulty

d.    Full coverage of Current Affairs, Banking Awareness, Financial Awareness

e.     Expert faculty with decades of experience

Topic Quizzes and PDFs for Revision

IBPS PRO Course 2025: Start a free trial now!

Benefits of IBPS PRO Course 2025-

Concept Clarity:

a.     The experienced faculty will be there to mentor you in your preparation by providing you with basic concepts of topics

b.    The aspirants can clear their doubts directly from subject experts

c.     The correct way to approach the questions will be taught in the interactive live classes.

Improved speed and time management:

a.     Important factors in the qualification of the exam is the time management and the speed of the aspirants in solving the papers

b.    Full-length 30 mock tests and 100+ interactive live classes help in clearing concepts of topics

c.     The calculation speeds need to be worked upon for improvement. Tables, squares , and roots should be practiced for this. In the free time also, aspirants should mentally practice calculation so their speed increases.



a.     Daily practice of all sections are vital to pass the exam which gives an advantage over others

b.    This course will have 6000+ practice questions for all various levels of difficulty.

c.     The practice will be beneficial for their memory and speed.


The aspirants should follow a proper time duration for each section for their practice. We recommend the following time pattern for your practice :


Quantitative Aptitude

2-3 hours (as per your convenience)

Reasoning Ability

2-3 hours (as per your convenience)

English Language

At least 1-2 hours (including Newspaper Reading)

Mock Test/Quizzes

At least 2 hours


Performance Track through quizzes & Mock Tests -

a.     The aspirants should keep a track on their performance to know the sequence in which they should follow to solve the paper and at the same time, to improve the same

b.    This will show the strengths and weaknesses of the aspirant, that is, which topics they need to focus on more.

c.     Online mock tests should be given importance in this period

d.    Mock tests will give the aspirants a real time experience of the exam. They will be able to know their preparation and give an idea of the time management which they should follow.

e.     Aspirants are advised to keep a timer when they solve the mock test section wise


To round up, it can be said that any preparation will not be completed in a day. It seems like a hard task to complete preparing for an exam. But if aspirants keep their patience and prepare themselves for IBPS PO exam step by step: by thoroughly studying the topics in their syllabus, writing mock tests, keeping track of their performance and trying to improve their preparation tips for IBPS PO exam, they will be able to pass the exam. Lastly, they should be confident of themselves!  

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