CUET Exam is a wonderful opportunity for you to turn your dreams into reality! Get all information about online syllabus, preparation guide, last date to apply, exam dates, admit card, latest exam patter and results here. Kick start your preparation now!

Table Of Contents

CUET 2024 Exam Pattern

The CUET 2024 exam pattern is divided into three sections. The first section tests the Language Skills of candidates through Reading Comprehension passage questions. The second section will be based on the chosen subject and the third section is on GK, Current Affairs, Mathematics, and Logical and Analytical Reasoning. The table below brings the exam structure.


Number of Questions

Question Types

Section IA

40 questions to be attempted out of 50 in each language

Language to be tested through Reading Comprehension based on different types of passages–Factual, Literary and Narrative, (Literary Aptitude and Vocabulary)

Section IB

Section II

35/40 Questions to be attempted out of 45/50

Input text can be used for MCQ Based Questions

      MCQs based on NCERT Class 12 syllabus only

Section III

50 Questions to be attempted out of 60

Input text can be used for MCQ Based Questions

      General Knowledge, Current Affairs, General Mental Ability, Numerical Ability, Quantitative Reasoning (Simple application of basic mathematical concepts arithmetic/algebra geometry/mensuration/s tat taught till Grade 8), Logical and Analytical Reasoning

CUET 2024 Syllabus – Subject-wise

Here we have provided the CUET 2024 for the various subjects that would be tested through this exam across domains.

CUET 2024 Syllabus for Biology

The following table provides the unit-wise subjects and topics of the Biology syllabus of CUET UG 2024.




Reproduction in organisms

Sexual reproduction in flowering plants

Human Reproduction

Reproductive health

Genetics and Evolution

Heredity and variation

Molecular Basis of Inheritance


Biology and Human Welfare

Health and Disease

Improvement in food production

Microbes in human welfare

Biotechnology and Its Applications

Principles and process of Biotechnology

Application of Biotechnology in health and agriculture

Ecology and environment

Organisms and environment


Biodiversity and its conservation

Environmental issues

CUET 2024 Syllabus for Chemistry

The following table lists the unit-wise subjects and topics of the Chemistry syllabus of CUET UG 2024.



Solid State

Classification of solids based on different binding forces


Types of solutions, expression of concentration of solutions of solids in liquids, the solubility of gases in liquids, solid solutions, colligative properties – the relative lowering of vapour pressure, Raoult’s law, elevation of B.P., depression of freezing point, osmotic pressure, determination of molecular masses using colligative properties, abnormal molecular mass, Vant Hoff factor.


Redox reactions

Kohlrausch’s Law

Relation between Gibbs energy change and EMF of a cell, fuel cells; corrosion

Chemical Kinetics

Rate of a reaction

Factors affecting rates of reaction

Collision theory

Activation energy

Arrhenius equation

Surface Chemistry



Colloidal state

Tyndall effect, Brownian movement, electrophoresis, coagulation


General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements

Principles and methods of extraction – concentration, oxidation, reduction electrolytic method, and refining; occurrence and principles of extraction of aluminum, copper, zinc, and iron

p-Block Elements

Group 15 elements

Group 16 elements

Group 18 elements

d and f Block Elements

General introduction



Coordination Compounds

Introduction, ligands, coordination number, colour, magnetic properties and shapes, IUPAC nomenclature of mono nuclear coordination compounds, bonding, Werner’s theory VBT, CFT; isomerism (structural and stereo)importance of coordination compounds (in qualitative analysis, extraction of metals and biological systems).

Haloalkanes and Haloarenes



Uses and environmental effects of–dichloromethane, trichloromethane, tetrachloromethane, iodoform, freons, DDT.

Alcohols, Phenols, and Ethers



Methods of Preparation

Physical and Chemical Properties


Aldehydes, Ketones, and Carboxylic Acids



Methods of Preparation

Physical and Chemical Properties


Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen


Cyanides and Isocyanides

Diazonium salts







Chemistry in Everyday Life

Chemicals in Medicines

Chemicals in Food

Cleansing Agents

CUET 2024 Syllabus for Physics

The following table shows the unit-wise subjects and topics of the Physics syllabus of CUET UG 2024.




Electric charges and their conservation

Electric field

Electric flux

Electric potential

Conductors and insulators

Current Electricity

Electric current

Carbon resisters

Internal resistors of cell

Kirchhoff ’s laws


Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism

Magnetic field, Oersted’s experiment, Biot

Ampere’s law, Cyclotron

Current loop


Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents

Electromagnetic induction

Faraday’s law

Alternating currents

Electromagnetic Waves

Displacement Currents

Electromagnetic spectrum


Reflection, Refraction

Mirrors and lenses

Optical instruments

Wave optics

Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation

Photoelectric effect, Hertz and Lenard’s observations; Einstein’s photoelectric equation

Matter waves

Atoms and Nuclei



Electronic Devices

Energy bands in solids




Communication Systems

Elements of a communication system

Bandwidth of signals

Propagation of electromagnetic waves

Need for modulation

Production and detection of an amplitude-modulated wave

CUET 2024 Syllabus for Mathematics

The following table shows the unit-wise subjects and topics of the Mathematics syllabus of CUET 2024.



Relations and Functions

Relations and Functions

Inverse Trigonometric Functions





Continuity and Differentiability

Applications of Derivatives


Differential Equations

Vectors and Three-Dimensional Geometry


Three Dimensional Geometry

Linear Programming


Numbers, Quantification and Numerical Applications

Modulo Arithmetic

Congruence Modulo

Allegation and Mixture

Numerical Problems

Probability Distributions

Probability Distribution

Mathematical Expectation


Index Numbers and Time Based Data

Index Numbers

Construction of Index Numbers

Test of Adequacy of Index Numbers

Financial Mathematics

Perpetuity, Sinking Funds

Valuation of Bonds

Calculation of EMI

Linear Method of Depreciation

Linear Programming

Introduction and related terminology

Mathematical formulation of Linear Programming Problem

Different types of Linear Programming Problems

Graphical Method of Solution for problems in two Variables

Feasible and Infeasible Regions

Feasible and infeasible solutions, optimal feasible solution

CUET 2024 Syllabus for Agriculture

The following table brings the unit-wise subjects and topics of the Agriculture syllabus of CUET 2024.



Agrometeorology, Genetics and Plant Breeding, Biochemistry and Microbiology

Agrometeorology: Elements of Weather-rainfall, temperature, humidity, wind velocity, Sunshine weather forecasting, climate change in relation to crop production

Genetics & Plant Breeding: (a) Cell and its structure, cell division-mitosis and meiosis and their significance (b) Organisation of the genetic materials in chromosomes, DNA and RNA (c) Mendel’s laws of inheritance. Reasons for the success of Mendel in his experiments, Absence of linkage in Mendel’s experiments. (d) Quantitative inheritance, continuous and discontinuous variation in plants. (e) Monogenic and polygenic inheritance. (f) Role of Genetics in Plant breeding, self and cross-pollinated crops, methods of breeding in field crops-introduction, selection, hybridization, mutation and polyploidy, tissue and cell culture. (g) Plant Biotechnology definition and scope in crop production.

Biochemistry: pH and buffers, Classification and nomenclature of carbohydrates; proteins; lipids; vitamins and enzymes.

Microbiology: Microbial cell structure, Micro-organisms- Algae, Bacteria, Fungi, Actinomycetes, Protozoa and Viruses. Role of micro-organisms in respiration, fermentation and organic matter decomposition

Livestock Production

Scope and importance

Care and management

Artificial Insemination

Crop Production


Soil, Soil fertility, Fertilizers and Manures

Irrigation and Drainage

Weed Control



(a) Importance of fruits and vegetables in the human diet, Crop diversification & Processing Industry

(b) Orchard- location and layout, ornamental gardening and kitchen garden.

(c) Planting system, training, pruning, intercropping, protection from frost and sunburn. (d) Trees, shrubs, climbers, annuals, perennials-definition and examples. Propagation by seed, cutting, budding, layering and grafting.

(e) Cultivation practices, processing and marketing

(f) Principles and methods of fruit and vegetable preservation

(g) Preparation of jellies, jams, ketchup, chips and their packing

CUET 2024 Syllabus for Anthropology

The following table provides the unit-wise subjects and topics of the Anthropology syllabus of CUET UG 2024.



Physical Anthropology

(I) Preliminary knowledge of Human genetics. Mendel’s Laws of heredity Monohybrid and Dihybrid ratio.

(ii) Definition of Race and Racial criteria, significance of skin colour, Eye form and colour, Head form, and ABa blood groups as racial criteria.

(iii) Racial classification, distinctive physical features and geographical distribution of the major racial groups of man: Caucasoid, Mongoloid, Negroid and Australoid.

Prehistoric Archaeology

(I) Tool Making

(ii) Tool Families

(iii) Prehistoric Cultures

(iv) A comparative study of the salient features of Paleolithic and Neolithic cultures

Material culture and Economic Anthropology

(I) Economic life

(ii) Subsistence Economy

(iii) Brief outline of the methods of hunting, fishing and agriculture with reference to various communities of North East India as far as practicable.

Social Anthropology and Ethnography

(I) Social Anthropology

(ii) Ethnography


(I) Meaning and definition of ecology and environment.

(ii) Elements of the environment

(iii) Physical or abiotic environment, biological or biotic environment and sociocultural environment. (iv) Man as the main agent to disturb the ecological balance.

CUET 2024 Syllabus for Other Subjects

Download the CUET Syllabus in PDF format for other subjects in the below table:

CUET Subjects

CUET 2024 Syllabus


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Home Science

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Computer Science

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Environmental Studies

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Language (IA & IB)

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FAQs Regarding CUET 2024 Syllabus

Q: Who sets the CUET 2024 syllabus?

A: CUET 2024 syllabus has been set by NTA for all subjects. The CUET syllabus for 2024 has remained the same as that of last year. The syllabus for CUET is the same as that of Class 12 Board exam syllabus.


Q: What is the level of the CUET 2024 syllabus?

A: The CUET syllabus is in tune with the Class 12 Board exam syllabus. The units/chapters and topics are same as that of the Class 12 syllabus.


Q: Does the CUET 2024 syllabus also include chapters from Class 11?

A: No, the CUET 2024 syllabus does not include the chapters or topics from Class 11 syllabus.


Q: How many total questions will be there in the CUET 2024 exam?

A: In the second section, which consists questions on domain/subject, there are a total of 50 questions out of which 40 questions have to be attempted.


Q: Apart from the subject-wise CUET syllabus, what are the other areas one need to prepare?

A: Apart from the subject-wise CUET syllabus, candidates need to prepare for the Language opted for, as well as the General section, which consists of questions like Reasoning, GK, Numerical Ability, Reading Comprehension, etc.


Q: Where can I get the CUET syllabus?

A: The CUET syllabus for various subjects can be downloaded in PDF format here on this page for free. Candidates can also refer to the CUET Samarth website to check and download the CUET 2024 website for the entire gamut of subjects and syllabus.

Q: What is the difficulty level of the CUET 2024 exam?

A: The difficulty level of the CUET exam ranges from moderate to tough.


Q: What are the types of questions asked in the CUET 2024 exam?

A: The CUET questions are objective and carries multiple choices (MCQs).


Q: Are NCERT books enough to cover CUET 2024 syllabus?

A: Since the CUET 2024 syllabus is in line with the Class 12 Board exam syllabus, it can be safely assumed that the NCERT books are enough to cover the syllabus of the exam. But, to prepare well and get a good score, it is advised that students refer to other study materials and books designed for national level competitive entrance exams.


Q: What is the difficulty level of CUET in comparison to JEE Main and NEET?

A: As compared to JEE Main and NEET, the difficulty level of CUET is much easier.


Q: Is it compulsory to attempt all the sections of the CUET 2024 question paper?

A: While the Section I and Section II, consisting of the language and domain-wise questions are compulsory to attempt. On the other hand, the third section consisting of General Knowledge and aptitude questions is not compulsory to attempt unless it is the requirement of the programme the candidate has applied for.

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