Prepare WBCS 2022 Exam Online With Avision Institute

West Bengal Civil Service conducted by West Bengal Public Service Commission annually to recruit the candidates for Group A, B, C, and D posts. This is a high commission and most prestigious exam in West Bengal. Therefore, the candidates who are willing to participate in the WBCS exam but enroll in the top coaching that provide you better guidance and vision. Also, featured the Best WBCS Test Series Online that can improve the quality of your preparation for your exam. In this blog, we will prepare WBCS 2022 exam online with Avision Institute with proper resources, strategies, relevant questions, and many more to ace the exam properly. Let's discuss things in detail below.

Prepare WBCS 2022 Exam Online With Avision Institute

Selection Process of WBCS Exam:

A selection process is a method that describes How the candidate will get selected in the WBCS exam and its concept. This process will help you to grow and expand in vision and planning of WBCS preparation. Hence, it is a highly competitive exam therefore you require proper planning with its selection procedure. You can easily be able to judge the process and the steps of what to do next in the exam. So the selection process of WBCS 2022 exam is based on three stage:

  • Preliminary Exam.
  • Mains Exam.
  • Interview.

WBCS Exam Pattern 2022 for Prelims

There will be 200 questions to be answered in 2 hours 30 minutes.

English Composition252002 hours 30 minutes
General Science25
Current Events of National and International Importance25
History of India25
Geography of India with special reference to West Bengal25
Indian Polity and Economy25
Indian National Movement25
General Mental Ability25

WBCS Exam Pattern 2022 for Mains

Duration for each paper is 3 hours

Paper 1Bengali/ Hindi/ Urdu/ Nepali/ Santali
Paper 2English
Paper 3General Studies 1
Paper 4General Studies 2
Paper 5The Constitution of India and Indian Economy
Paper 6Arithmetic and Test of Reasoning
Paper 7Optional Paper
Paper 8Optional Paper

WBCS Syllabus:

The WBCS Syllabus is categorized into two sections. One is for the Preliminary section and next is the Mains Section. Let's discuss things in detail.

WBCS Preliminary Syllabus:

Paper 1English CompositionSynonyms and Antonyms
Idioms and Phrases
Vocabulary Test
Phrasal Verbs
Fill in the qualifying words
Paper 2General ScienceGeneral appreciation
Understanding of science
Matters of everyday observation
Experience as expected from an educated person not having made special studies of scientific disciplines
Paper 3Current Events of National and International ImportanceSignificant events affecting India and its relations with the world
Paper 4History of IndiaAncient
Paper 5Geography of India with special reference to West BengalPhysical Geography
Social Geography
Economic Geography
Paper 6Indian Polity and EconomyIndian Constitution
Panchayati Raj
Constitutional Bodies, etc.
Paper 7Indian National MovementNature and character of Nineteenth-Century Resurgence
Growth of Nationalism
Attainment of Independence
Paper 8General Mental AbilityLogical Reasoning
Common Aptitude

WBCS Mains Syllabus:

Paper 1Bengali/ Hindi/ Urdu/ Nepali/ SantaliLetter writing
Drafting of Report
Précis Writing
Paper 2EnglishLetter writing
Drafting of Report
Précis Writing
Paper 3General Studies 1Indian History
Geography of India
Paper 4General Studies 2Science
General Knowledge, C.Aff
Paper 5The Constitution of India and Indian Economy including role and functions of the Reserve Bank of India-
Paper 6Arithmetic and Test of Reasoning-
Paper 7Optional Paper-
Paper 8Optional Paper-

Join with Avision Institute:

Avision Institute is one of the best WBCS coaching in Kolkata, that provide you complete guidelines in terms of WBCS exam. It provides you with study material, concepts, valuable tricks, and WBCS mock test series 2022. These test series are very crucial because they help you to analyze your mistakes and come up with the best solution. It also improves the next level of confidence in your exam.

We categorize and divide the preparation into two steps:

  • Preliminary Exam.
  • Mains Exam.

Focus in Preliminary Exam:

The prime focus in the preliminary exam is syllabus. It also provides valuable resources for preparation such as newspapers, NCERTs books, Study material, revision methods, mock test series, and complete solutions.

Focus in Mains Exam:

Compared to the Preliminary exam, the process of mains exam is slightly different. It comes at an advanced level. Here, you will obviously get the syllabus, and all other resources, services, and test series. However, the concept is definitely advanced because of its final stage. It provides you with detailed knowledge, book lists, important questions, and guidance from an expert panel. It also helps in improving the outlook and communication skills of the participants. 

Hence, coming to the part of conclusion you need better strategies to prepare WBCS 2022 exam online with Avision Institute. It is the Avision and its guidance that can help you to reach success. Therefore, Buy WBCS Mock Test Series 2022 that can help you to get success with the concept of prelims and mains exam 2022.

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