Practice CTET Mock Test Paper to Get Best Score with Avision Institute
If you want to get the best CTET learning experience then guiding a top CTET coaching in Kolkata is really helping in solving more. The top coaching will feature you at a complete clarity level that can solve the huge difficulty level of your course. The practice of CTET Test Series Online will have different experience and knowledge under a comprehensive manner. In this blog, we will discuss on practice CTET mock test paper to get the best score with Avision Institute. There are several benefits of attempting the mock test that we will discuss below. Let's have a detailed conversation of CTET below.
WBSSC Highlight:
Exam Name
Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET)
Conducted by
National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE)
Exam Mode
Stages of Exam
Two stages(Paper-I and Paper-II)
Geographical Scope of exam
All India
Common Eligibility
Post Graduation Degree and B.Ed. or M.Ed.
Language of question paper
English and Hindi
Exam Fees
INR 1000 (Paper-I) and INR 1200 (Paper I & II)
Official Website
CTET Mock Test Overview with Avision Institute:
CTET date of exams are announced. Therefore, it is important to utilize the time with having quality preparation with the CTET Mock test Series. It is expected to be conducted between December 2022 to January 2023. The mock test of the Avision will let you judge the level of question asked by the CTET official.
The test series material of 2022 will aid you to prepare in a well experienced manner. It helps you to identify the strength and weakness of your preparation. Accordingly, this will also help you to solve your weak zone and complete your preparation in the most versatile way.
Key features of the Mock Test Series with Avision Institute:
Check out the important features of the mock test series with Avision best CTET coaching in Kolkata:
Get the Practice Set of 5 full length CTET Test Series for Prelims with complete solution.
The Test Series are also available in English and Hindi.
Get real time experience that improves the confidence by practicing CTET Test Series for Mains.
You have the option to attempt the test series with a flexible time zone.
Benefits of CTET Test Series:
The best benefit of practicing the CTET mock test paper is improvised preparation.
Increase Speed.
Improve Quality Preparation.
Increase Accuracy.
Solve Weak Subjects.
Retain Concept.
Effective Time-Management.
Why Choose Avision Mock Test Series?
It follows the latest syllabus and pattern of CTET Test Series 2022.
Provide a report of every test series to analyse your performance.
Enhance the Speed and Accuracy with practice series.
Improve the concept of every subject individually.
The syllabus of the CTET Paper-I includes:
Child Development and Pedagogy
Learning and Pedagogy
How children think and learn, how and why children ‘fail’ to achieve success in school performance. Child as a problem solver and a ‘scientific investigator’ Cognition & EmotionsMotivation and learning
English (Language-I)
Language Comprehension
Reading unseen passages – two passages one prose or drama and one poem with questions on comprehension, inference, grammar, and verbal ability (Prose passage may be literary, scientific, narrative or discursive)
Pedagogy of Language Development
Learning and acquisitionPrinciples of Language TeachingRole of listening and speaking; function of language and how children use it as a toolLanguage SkillsEvaluating language comprehension and proficiency: speaking, listening, reading and writing
Language 2
Learning and acquisitionPrinciples of Language TeachingRole of listening and speaking; function of language and how children use it as a toolLanguage SkillsEvaluating language comprehension and proficiency: speaking, listening, reading and writingTeaching-learning materials: Textbook, multimedia materials, multilingual resource of the classroomRemedial Teaching
CTET Syllabus for Maths
Language of MathematicsCommunity MathematicsValuation through formal and informal methodsProblems of TeachingError analysis and related aspects of learning and teachingDiagnostic and Remedial Teaching
CTET EVS Syllabus
Family and FriendsRelationshipsWork and PlayAnimalsPlantsFoodShelterWaterTravelThings We Make and DoEnvironmental Studies & Environmental Education
The syllabus of the CTET Paper-II includes:
Child Development and Pedagogy
Concept of Inclusive education and understanding children with special needs
Addressing learners from diverse backgrounds including disadvantaged and deprived Addressing the needs of children with learning difficulties, ‘impairment’ etc. Addressing the Talented, Creative, Specially abled Learners
Learning and Pedagogy
Child as a problem solver and a ‘scientific investigator’. Alternative conceptions of learning in children, understanding children’s ‘errors’ as significant steps in the learning process. Cognition & Emotions, Motivation, and learning, Factors contributing to learning – personal & environmental
Language Comprehension
Reading unseen passages – two passages one prose or drama and one poem with questions on comprehension, inference, grammar and verbal ability.
Pedagogy of Language Development
Language Skills: Evaluating language comprehension and proficiency: speaking, listening, reading and writingTeaching-learning materials: Textbook, multimedia materials, multilingual resource of the classroomRemedial Teaching
CTET language 2 syllabus
Learning and acquisitionPrinciples of Language TeachingRole of listening and speaking; function of language and how children use it as a toolA critical perspective on the role of grammar in learning a language for communicating ideas verbally and in written form; Challenges of teaching language in a diverse classroom; language difficulties, errors, and disorders
Mathematics and Science
CTET Mathematics Paper 2 Syllabus
Number System, Knowing our Numbers, Playing with Numbers, Whole Numbers, Negative Numbers and Integers, Fractions, Algebra, Introduction to Algebra, Ratio, and Proportion, Nature of Mathematics/Logical thinking, Place of Mathematics in Curriculum, Language of Mathematics, Community Mathematics, Evaluation, Remedial Teaching, Problem of Teaching.
CTET Science Paper 2 Syllabus
Food, Sources of food, Components of food, Cleaning food, Materials, Materials of daily use, The World of the Living, Natural Phenomena, Natural Resources, Approach/Integrated Approach, Observation/Experiment/Discovery (Method of Science), Innovation, Text Material/Aids, Evaluation – cognitive/psychomotor/affective, Problems, Remedial Teaching.
Social Sciences
CTET History Syllabus
Contacts with Distant lands, Political Developments, Culture and Science, New Kings and Kingdoms, Sultans of Delhi, Architecture, Creation of an Empire, Social Change, Regional Cultures, The Establishment of Company Power, Rural Life and Society.
CTET Geography Syllabus
GlobeEnvironment in its totality: natural and human environmentAirWaterHuman Environment: settlement, transport, and communicationResources: Types-Natural and HumanAgriculture
CTET Social and Political Life Syllabus
Diversity, Government, Local Government, Making a Living, Democracy, State Government, Understanding Media, Unpacking Gender, The Constitution, Parliamentary Government, The Judiciary
Hence, these are some of the best benefits that showcase the practice CTET mock test paper to get the best score with Avision Institute. However, we will also improve our preparation with daily practice of CTET test paper and guidance. We ensure great success and achievement with the Avision administration that presents the Best CTET Test Series Online 2022 with their hard work and passion for the candidate.
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